Our Story

Hi! My name is Lizi, and I am the founder and CEO of NATIV market. 

Growing up in Venezuela, eating homemade healthy food at home was the norm. I remember always thinking that the food from home or, as we say in Spanish, "de Olla" was simply the best, incomparable to any other. Intrigued by traditional homemade cooking, I spent hours immersed in the kitchen, observing my mother and grandmother as they cooked the days away. The more I watched, the more passionate I became about the culinary world; this is truly where my love for food and nutrition began. 

After many years of living in the United States, I decided to follow my entrepreneurial spirit and create something of my own. Born out of a desire to help fellow entrepreneurs, I founded NATIV as an online market for entrepreneurs who want to share their culture with the rest of the world through healthy food products. Today, we are grateful to have a beautiful community of passionate, hardworking brands and individuals who share a common love for food, health, and balance!  

At NATIV, our mission is to offer healthy products that come from the land. We take the time to carefully choose and curate our product offerings to ensure that they are free from harmful ingredients and comply with our brand ethos. Our goal is for you to fly back in time and experience the feeling of being anywhere in the world, to relive childhood memories, and even remind you of your grandma's recipes through native flavors from diverse cultures.

Our Brand Ethos

All of our products are

Free of Refined Sugar

Free of Artificial Ingredients

Free of Harmful Ingredients


Want to Join the Community?

We want your brand to cross boarders and be enjoyed by people from all over the world.